This policy outlines the guidelines for using copyrighted content from our website.
Educational Materials
All materials available on this website, including text, data, images, illustrations, animations, and tools, are intended for informational and educational purposes. While the content is reviewed by professionals, it is not a substitute for medical advice. For personalized health guidance, please consult a qualified healthcare provider.
Ownership & Copyright
All content featured on this website is the exclusive property of Dr. Tanu Raghava unless otherwise specified. Users do not acquire any ownership, rights, or licenses through website access.
Unauthorized modification, removal of copyright notices, or alteration of materials is strictly prohibited.
Usage Rights & Restrictions
- A single copy of materials may be printed for personal, non-commercial use only.
- Reproducing, republishing, reselling, storing, or distributing content in any form without prior written permission is not allowed.
- Materials cannot be posted on external blogs, websites, or platforms without explicit authorization.
For permission requests or further inquiries, please contact “drtanuraghava@gmail.com”